Thursday 26 July 2012


Today! Is a important day! 
Who is she? She is a important people in my life
Hey,you! happy fifteen years old! :*

I am grateful to God because he let me meet you
And iloveyou,youloveme wearehappyfamily ^.<
We began to feel strange and very funny
You live in Ipoh, we do not meet
Together because a phone call

Just very happy together, very sweet
A long time, because my character, my indifference, my perfunctory
Our relationship began to cool
But also because so you broke up and I mentioned
First, second and third day after day
I found the day without you is how much suffering
I am of course very willing, so I have information you have been to restore
Results together with others, I am very angry, because I never knew
Fortunate to you with her short-lived love.
I always, always save you
Two months later,
Result, you moved me, and we also compound
Then I change for you for a lot of, you changed a lot for me

We seem to love each other as before
Every day home from school, there is a phone call
A long time, through Wednesday, one week pass

During the examination period with the review, it is to sit up together to sleep
Feel good, like you the same feeling in my side
The Mday to should the other side, the other say 1 then can not say 2
Hurt you and I, you, you let me, I let you

I know that sometimes because of my emotional, I will tell you very cool, very perfunctory
You have been at my side with me, even though I said it is difficult to hear
You do not ever leave me or send me temper
You so good, I believe I could not find one can tolerate my temper partner

I promised myself to take better care of you
But I always make you sad
You are saying that it does not matter, passed
You, I am very grateful, very guilty

Eight months, going down
We also had a month of Valentine's Day, the anniversary of each month
And my birthday, we have not met
The commitments we have agreed, is not a joke

I believe it is with us for so long the first time I said the longest text compiled to give you? Ha ha ha
I do not think things can write,enough ^^

LAST : - 
Once upon a time I fell in love with your smile


Thursday 19 July 2012

June&July (JJ)

0606-cut hair+genting highlands
0630-hari kantin+singK

吵什麼?小氣咯 不爽咯 不服咯 TT
很開心地不久後我們和好了 (孩子氣)


0705-pavillion+wongkok+打邊爐+celebrate birthday

0714-情人節 :$
0715-八個月 :$ shy